I’m watching ‘The View’ this morning. They are talking about the new Facebook ‘terms’ in which Facebook takes every right from each of their members who have an account with them—now and forever more (even when you remove your page). ‘The View’ ladies said Facebook now has the right to use your photos, words, ANYTHING you post belongs to them. As in, it’s their property to do with whatever they wish…sell, use for their purposes, reproduce, etc.
I’ve been reading blogs where ladies are upset their work is being copied, infringed upon, etc. However, in this instance, you are basically GIVING FB everything you post. It’s in the legal fine print. So even if your friend posts a picture of you (you don’t post it yourself) it belongs to FB. If you post a poem, it belongs to FB if they so choose….on and on…
The scary thing is: As of their posting, Facebook is creating their own internet law, and enforcing it to each of their members—who by the way, are most likely under the age of 18. Parents beware!! Especially if they are planning on running for political office, or planning any sort of media related profession.
Is it better for them to tell us they own everything, or is it better to post and take your chances of someone taking your posted items without permission? Either way, legal proceedings to protect your rights will be costly.
I’ll say this—When you are deciding what to post, keep the cherished items close to your heart. Otherwise, you may lose them to someone you don’t know.
Duchess note: I haven’t personally read the new terms. I only heard what ‘The View’ read from the documents they had printed for the segment this morning. If you have more information, please share! I will modify my post accordingly.
I just want you to know I read "Duchess" daily! You are doing a great job and it is fun and interesting!
I will tell my young friends about this new development and will think harder about starting to use Facebook myself!
Mrs. Doc (a.k.a. "Soulmate)
Actually, Facebook just retracted this and are going back to the original Terms of Service. See the official Facebook blog for more info. http://blog.facebook.com/
This seems to more likely a lawyer (sorry Dave) who thought they needed to clarify the terms, so that the info couldn't be used by individuals, rather than by Facebook themselves. This blew up, but only because Facebook wasn't more open about the change from the beginning.
I use Facebook and the reality is that there is alot of worse places that info is gleaned and sold (ie, local DMV).
Here's a great article on Privacy settings that every Facebook user can already change. I've done these and they alleviate alot of the issues at hand.
all good to know, thanks!
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