Yep, I snuck in today for the very first show of the weekend. I haven’t read the book but I know the general idea. Plus, I watched an episode of Greg Behrendt’s new relationship show (which is good). I’m thinking this film was loosely based on the book. The trailers are giveaways for what the film entails and each of the character’s dilemmas—so no surprises there. What I was surprised about was that we didn’t see enough of Drew Barrymore or Ben Affleck. I like them both, so that was disappointing. (I suppose that’s why they’re not doing the press junket. The other stars are great too, don’t get me wrong.)
Yes ladies, this one reeks of ‘chick flick.’ There were about 25 women in the audience and 1 man—but of course that could be because all the hubbies were at work. (wink) It was a cute movie, in the way that the ‘nice’ and ‘cute’ guy is someone you don't have a love connection with and you're not really interested in dating, but definitely like as a friend. It was worth seeing but I felt a little dissatisfied in the end. I was hoping for hip jargon, quick wit, inside jokes, tugged heartstrings, new trends, you know, all the hot young stuff. What we get is luke warm relationship dealings. *Am I becoming a cynical old lady? I’m finding SO many films slow these days. Has my self-given ‘Duchess’ title ruined my movie viewing satisfaction?* The producers are billing this as a ‘date movie’ but I think your date might find it a bit boring (except when Scarlett comes on screen). All his secrets being given away?! It definitely makes for great dinner conversation and debate.
All things considered, I’ll say this: it does make you analyze love and relationships, specifically your own. It reinforces the fact that we women stick together to console each other by making excuses for the guy who’s ‘just not into you.’ It’s funny to watch on film, and oh so true. My gut feeling is that this film will be enjoyed most by the twenty-something crowd.
I hope it doesn't seem like I'm bashing this Drew Barrymore production! I will always support her films! It was good and cute. You should see it.
I’m still thinking about what else to say about this one…let me know what you think.

I typically really like independent films. Was this one billed that way? It is an award winning film which put it on my ‘want to see’ list. I liked it, sort of. Let’s just say I’m glad I saw it, but probably wouldn’t recommend it to someone who doesn’t see many films. The slow paced story will not be favorable to them. There is lots of music to fill the voids of not so many words. I can certainly understand how some would consider it ‘powerful and moving.’ It’s a good heart wrenching story of forgiveness and hope. Expanded content would have done the trick to help me buy into it.
I think we’ll see more of the leading Mexican native (photo above).

Edward Norton and Colin Ferrell headlined, so I had to see it! I’m game to see a scandalous NYPD corruption film every now and then. Plus, this starred two of my favorites, right?? Well…I probably should have passed on this one.
The screenplay had much to be desired--mostly because ‘f-bombs’ were used as every other word to the degree of being very distracting and ineffective. Be prepared for excessive cussing in every sense, blood, shooting, suspense, corruption, greed and just plain old manly business dealings. It was WAY too much for me. It gave me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach thinking there could actually be men (and their families) out in the USA dealing with this every day. YUK!
I ended up fast forwarding through the last 45 minutes because I wanted to see how everything was resolved. I forwarded because I couldn’t stand the almost slow-motion pace, not the bad language, etc.
Hopefully Ed and Colin will find another film to work on together. I vote they make it a ‘chick flick’ next time.
Duchess note: See Ed Norton in “The Illusionist.” I think that’s one of his bests. My favorite Colin film is still “S.W.A.T.”
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