I’m not sure what I was expecting when I walked into the theatre. What I know for sure is I walked out thinking, “WHAT?!?” (I saw the movie on Saturday and just now had the words to talk about it.) The reviews lead me to believe I was going to see a “crowd pleaser.” The interviews with the stars always showed them teaching the interviewer a dance, so I thought maybe I’d see a little Bollywood. I don’t know...that part sounded fun and colorful. What I completely forgot was that it has been nominated for Academy Awards which meant we were headed to the ‘dark side.’ Slumdog is no exception to their ever-present unwritten rule. Ack! Deep down, I kept reminding myself of this, but I wanted to believe just one picture of the year didn’t have to go dark…I’ll have to keep wishing.
I’ll give it this….the music was quite moving. The love story between the protagonist and his leading lady was unquestionably unswerving. It was absolutely an original story! When they finally warmed up a bit and got into the heart of the story (which took about 30 minutes), it was captivating. I was taken away to another world (albeit one I didn’t want to be in).
Be sure you will see children who live off the garbage of others. You will see suicide, murder, and violence on orphan children. You will see abused servants and drug lord robots doing evil. (This film is not for everyone—positively not those under 18.) In the end, the film does redeem itself and you will also see the completion of ‘destiny’ and, of course, a millionaire. Until then, hold on tight. This is HEAVY (!) subject matter.
The film proves you can accomplish much on a low budget with unknown stars. That is a quality worth awarding!
If you want to see a nominated film, Benjamin Buttons is a better pick for those of us looking for a great story without all the gloom.
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