This will be Scout’s 6th year to attend ‘Camp O’ and Kooza’s 4th. This will also be Scout’s last year as a camper. Next year, he would like to attend as CLP (Counselor Leadership Program). He’s going to make his best efforts to impress the staff and talk them into letting him do the CLP training and work sometime next summer. Actually, I believe (as Mom) that both the boys have impressed the staff so I’m not worried. Besides, the staff actually welcomes ‘lifers’ as they call them. CLP gives them a one week trip to Colorado--that's the part Scout remembers.
We have been working for 2 days to get the trunks packed. As you can see from the photo above, the trunks are full and there is a lot more that’s supposed to fit into them. We even left out some things on the suggested packing list in an attempt to create more room. Of course, there are a lot of things NOT on the list going with them that they assure me, “will be fine and I really need that.” Luckily, the camp has put a ban on cell phones and electronics, so there is no fight there. Lots of 'Spartan Red' in the mix. Both the boys are on the Spartan team.
We drop them off tomorrow afternoon. It will be 2 weeks of deafening quiet around here while they are gone. The only communication is by email and snail mail. I’ve let them know I must receive a minimum of 5 letters or short notes over the 2 weeks they are gone. I’ll hope for the best.
1 comment:
get some of the "Space Saver" bags from Walmart, which can increase the amount of room in the trunks. I used them for traveling for years and they work great. You can reuse them and they work great for all sorts of clothes. You'd be surprised how much air is contained in the clothes packed, even if you roll them. With SpaceSavers you can roll the clothes, put them in the bag and then roll the air out of the bag. It keeps the clothes wrinkle-free, as long as you packed them that way.
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