We made it safely to Montreal today. Kooza and I traveled alone, leaving Scout and Pops at home with the puppy dogs. (They played a practice round in Bryan preparing for Scout’s tournament on Monday and Tuesday. I don’t think they miss us yet.)
I dropped Kooza off this afternoon at “L’Ecole Nationale de Cirque” where he will be staying this week. (The photo above shows the front of the building -about 7 stories- with the Cirque du Soleil Headquarters in the background.) This a BIG deal! He was so energized to finally be here. I can only hope it will live up to his expectations. He is one of 15 students who will be staying overnight at the school dormitory during the week. There will be 17 more students commuting each day. The day is going to be ALL about circus arts. They will have nutritious meals (they have a nutritionist on staff), 2 workouts a day, and then wind down to typical summer camp night activities. He will be in circus heaven. The facility is fantastic, the counselors I met were enthusiastic about the boys being there, and I’m positive the training will be outstanding. Plus, I’m thrilled he will be spending time with kids who are like him—in that they like circus arts too. We don’t know anyone else in our hometown that dreams of Cirque the way Kooza does. He will finally have circus buddies!
Thank you to everyone for all your prayers these past few months.
The day of traveling was long for us. We woke up at 5:30am to begin our journey. My brain is out of words at the moment…more tomorrow about Montreal.
Woo hoo! Ya'll made it and it's soon to be a "twisting-twirling-Diablo-flying-body-contortionist-good-time"!!! We're excited to hear the updates and are pumped for you and Kooza!
Love from the PacNW gang.
Good luck to Kooza, and enjoy Montreal.
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