I follow a terrific blog every day. One that makes me smile and feel happy whenever I read it. The blogger loves rainbow colors and I can't help but smile everytime I see one of her 'rainbow' photos. I'm not sure she even realizes her photos run in rainbow colors. I have a friend just like her actually. Everything in my friend's house is organized following the rainbow color wheel. My son does this too! I think these are happy people! :) All of her photos are amazing.
Meg, the author of the blog 'Whatever', and a few of her friends spent a whole childless weekend making crafts for this special non-profit: Water4Christmas. I thought it was spectacular! If I lived anywhere near them, I would have definitely joined in the fun. I love volunteering for great causes.
Here's the link to
Whatever. Read a bit and buy a few items from the Etsy store they put together specifically for the water cause.
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