Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Kooza is headed to Circus camp again this summer. Have I mentioned that already? I’ve been making a few arrangements to stay in Montreal this July. All the planning has brought back memories of last year when I spent a week there just relaxing and enjoying a great, low-key vacation destination. (That's Kooza hanging in the photo.)

One afternoon as I was eating pizza at a local outdoor café, I couldn’t help but notice the ‘cigarette break’ a young girl was taking across the street through a second story window. As I saw her and peeked a little further into the room she was coming from, I couldn’t help thinking there was something artsy and wonderful that she was a part of. I couldn’t quite figure out what they were doing. I saw a photographer and lots of photo lights flashing but I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
A Mom doesn’t get too many breaks you know. So….with summer fast approaching, I’m dreaming of Montreal and enjoying the great cool summer weather there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!! XO