There are times when my ‘writers block’ for blog writing is overwhelming. Then all of a sudden, I have many topics I want to write about. I can’t explain it. Today I have to ‘plug’ my brother-in-law’s blog “Jester of Reel” (for obvious reasons). He has graciously decided to join my unofficial ‘Court.’ In his words:
The birth of my blog came from a lunchtime conversation about how in my opinion, my sister-in-law only covers a small amount of films, aka "the classy ones", while many other films are never given a mention on her blog. I love reading her blog and get great ideas for films to rent and/or checkout. In the course of our conversation I counted numerous times when I said "have you seen ____" and she replied "No" or a resounding "No Way!!!" I realized that there were a boat-load of "non-classics" that I've watched and sometimes enjoyed that she hasn't seen. In the course of that I made an off-the-cuff joke about "well, if you're the Duchess of Reel, then clearly I'd be the jester of that court". In a flurry of thought I announced "I'm gonna start a blog called "Jester of Reel" and cover the movies you don't.
Just to clarify, my BIL is talking about films like Zoolander, Austin Powers, anything Jim Carrey, Mike Meyers, Ben Stiller, you get the idea. I have to admit I have seen some of the films he mentions, but I mostly avoid them because the tongue-in-cheek is sometimes way too much for me. Not that it’s not funny. It’s just not what I look for in films. Before I dig a hole even deeper than I have already, let me just lead you to his blogsite: Jester of Reel. See for yourself.
Surely between the 2 of us, our readers will be film savvy in every way. And who knows, every now and then we might just “Roger and Ebert” a few films.
Mark your calendars: Academy Award night is Sunday, February 22.
The birth of my blog came from a lunchtime conversation about how in my opinion, my sister-in-law only covers a small amount of films, aka "the classy ones", while many other films are never given a mention on her blog. I love reading her blog and get great ideas for films to rent and/or checkout. In the course of our conversation I counted numerous times when I said "have you seen ____" and she replied "No" or a resounding "No Way!!!" I realized that there were a boat-load of "non-classics" that I've watched and sometimes enjoyed that she hasn't seen. In the course of that I made an off-the-cuff joke about "well, if you're the Duchess of Reel, then clearly I'd be the jester of that court". In a flurry of thought I announced "I'm gonna start a blog called "Jester of Reel" and cover the movies you don't.
Just to clarify, my BIL is talking about films like Zoolander, Austin Powers, anything Jim Carrey, Mike Meyers, Ben Stiller, you get the idea. I have to admit I have seen some of the films he mentions, but I mostly avoid them because the tongue-in-cheek is sometimes way too much for me. Not that it’s not funny. It’s just not what I look for in films. Before I dig a hole even deeper than I have already, let me just lead you to his blogsite: Jester of Reel. See for yourself.
Surely between the 2 of us, our readers will be film savvy in every way. And who knows, every now and then we might just “Roger and Ebert” a few films.
Mark your calendars: Academy Award night is Sunday, February 22.
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