Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We recently moved into a new house. I had no idea how long it would take to get the new house in any sort of order to live in and operate normally. After throwing out large garbage bags full (which killed me due to the carbon footprint I was leaving) and donating nearly 3 pickup truck loads, I thought it would be a cinch. Not true. How do we accumulate so much stuff? It has been a month and still there are boxes (2 rooms are still in serious need of organization). Things are slowly finding a new home.

In the move mix is the need to make the house look ‘a lot like Christmas.’ Although there is so much box work to be done, I can’t disappoint the boys. So…forget the boxes for now….We put the Christmas trees up and decorated minimally. I heard the ‘in’ colors this year are silver and white. With that in mind, up went the decorations on the trees. I bought a little silver and already had some gold. Is that close enough?

For those who know me, I hope you get a giggle from one of the gold decorations I included. This one made the 'minimal' cut.

Merry Christmas!

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