We couldn’t resist. A week with all the new puppies around and we knew (I knew) we had to have one. So…off we went to the breeder this past weekend despite resistance from Pops. Scout was in College Station playing in his first golf tournament of the summer season so he didn’t come with us, but we kept in touch by phone. This meant Kooza had to pick the new family member all by himself. He picked a winner. We LOVE him! It was a tough choice with all those cute little eyes looking at you. He’s a toy Chihuahua like the next door neighbors puppy (not a tea cup like we thought). He’s nine weeks old (DOB: 3 April 08). He weighed in at 1.8 pounds yesterday at the vets office. His name is ‘Rico Suave.’ So far, nicknames are Ricky (because puppy #1 on the block is ‘Lucy’) and CocoLoco. He has almost slept through the night. He has only had 2 accidents in the house over the past 3 days. He’s still a little wobbly on his paws but is getting up the stairs just fine (it’s another story getting down). What joy a new puppy brings to a house!
News of the Day: Kooza had 5 teeth pulled today to jump start his orthodontic work. All went well. He’s so happy it’s over—and so is Mom. What a trooper!
What an adorable boo! I bet pretty soon he will be running the place.
Enjoying your blog!
Mrs. Doc
Smooth Ricky looks like a ladykiller to me! What a cute face.
What do miss Goo goo and Ringo think about the new interloper?
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